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6th Grade Math
Textbook Links
5th Grade Textbook
6th Grade Textbook
Unit 1: Patterns & Equations
Lesson 1: Input & Output Machines
Lesson 2: Variables
Lesson 3: Balanced Equations I
Lesson 3: Balanced Equations II
Teacher / Parent Resources
Unit 2: Understanding Numbers
Lesson 1: Multiples
Lesson 2: Prime, Composite & Factors
Lesson 4: BEDMAS
Lesson 5: Integers
Teacher / Parent Resources
Unit 3: Decimals
Lesson 1: Place Value Chart
Lesson 2: Multiplying Decimals
Lesson 3: Dividing Decimals
Teacher / Parent Resources
Unit 5: Fractions, Ratios, & Percents
Lesson 1: Mixed Numbers & Improper Fractions
Lesson 2: Combining Fractions
Lesson 3: Ratios
Lesson 4: Equivalent Ratios
Lesson 5: Percents
Teacher / Parent Resources
Unit 6: Geometry & Measurement
Lesson 1: Types of Triangles
Lesson 2: Angles
Lesson 3: Area of Triangles
Lesson 4: Polygons
Lesson 5: Area of Rectangles
Lesson 6: Volume of Rectangles prisms
Teacher / Parent Resources
Unit 7: Data Analysis & probability
Lesson 1: How to Graph Data & Using Dot/Line/Bar Graphs
Lesson 2: Theoretical Probability
Lesson 3: Experimental Probability
Teacher / Parent Resources
Unit 8: Coordinate Grids & Transformations
Lesson 1: Plotting Points on a Coordinate Grid
Lesson 2: Basic Transformations
Lesson 3: Successive Transformations
Teacher / Parent Resources
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